If you use Outlook 2007 or newer, you can enable the spam filter to label unwanted email as spam. VIPRE uses a built-in anti-spam engine and allows you to add specific email addresses and domains that will also filter Spam. When an email is received from an unwanted source, VIPRE will prepend the Subject of the email with "[SPAM]."
Note: Spam filtering is available with Outlook only.
To configure Spam Filtering for Outlook:
1. Click Manage, then Email.
2. Once Email Protection is on, switch on Spam Filtering for Outlook.
3. Click Manage Filters to label specific domains or email addresses as Safe or Blocked.
4. Click Add New.
5. Enter an email address or a domain. For example,sender@domain.comordomain.com.
6. Designate the sender as Safe or Blocked.
- Safe: VIPRE's built-in engine will not label a Spam email as Spam. This is only necessary if you are receiving email that is labeled as Spam.
- Blocked: VIPRE will prepend the Subject of this email with "[SPAM]."